Yes, I'm half Canadian on my Mothers side. Maybe that's why, like the geese, I get to fly south for the winter. Except, My journey will only take about thirty-six hours to complete, instead of three months.
Thankfully, Cabo San Lucas is a brief flight away from Orange County.
As I land in cabo I'm anticipating meeting TJ Ngan for the first time. I have spoken with him on the phone a few times so I have a stereotypical image projected in my mind due to his soft spoken voice and cute Asian accent.
We find each other in the crowd pretty easily because there aren't many Asians in Mexico, and I'm the only dumbass holding a skateboard. If you ever want to bring your skateboard to Mexico, think again. Most of the roads are sprinkled with rocks, constructed with dirty cracked pavement and littered with trash. No worries, the hotel will be my oasis.
We are staying at the RIU Sante Fe in Los Cabos.
It is an all-inclusive resort which has excellent service. The staff was very friendly and attentive. Todo bien porque Yo hablo un poco espanol.
TJ and I need the whole day to work so we wake up at 5:30 am and shoot with the glowing sunrise as our backdrop.
We also shot in the hotel where this shot was taken...
There will be more images soon...
Top Drawers International sponsored my trip to Cabo, so Please check out this website, It's a great online catalog.
I have seen the Full House episodes, so therefore I knew what to expect in San Francisco right?
San Francisco is an amazing city to visit and I highly recommend taking a trip soon. I am amazed by the stone architecture and efficient transportation, the historical landmarks, and also the diversity of people.
Once I arrive at the airport, I take the BART train north to the Powell Street exit. As I emerge from the claustrophobic tunnel my eyes shoot upwards toward the towering city above. I am grateful to be in an urban environment because this is where I feel most comfortable. I would much rather encounter blowing trash bags than witness wind-propelled tumbleweed.
Im in route to my potentially cockroach infested hotel, but what the hell, for $56.00/ night I can't really complain. My home-base for the next few days is the Super 8 Motel on O'Farrell Street right in the beating heart of Union Square.
The rooms are surprisingly tolerable. Small, but appropriate. I won't spend much time here because there are plenty of sights to see.
5:00 am. Snooze. 9:00 am, that's better. Coffee and a smoke will cure an empty stomach. I figure out the bus system in a matter of minutes. To see the Golden Gate Bridge, just take the 38 to the 28 and your there.
Sitting on the bus I notice that most males have a substantial amount of facial hair. I feel out of place. Every House on the way to the bridge has a similar theme. Long, and narrow homes with pastel facia like an Easter egg exploded. The buildings are probably made of local stone. Strong and earthquake-resistant.
Im arriving at the Golden Gate Bridge after only spending $4.00 on bus fare. Now I sneak off into a remote section of the hillside through a creepy tunnel, over a No Trespassing sign, to find a lonely piece of cement just wide enough to stand on. What a great place to skate. I am deciding if I should do a heelflip right now without falling down the hillside into the freezing and shark infested water.
Next on the list, the famous and curvy Lombard Street.
The clam chowder and fried seafood at Fisherman's Warf is so perfect on this cold winter evening. It gives me a burst of authentic ocean flavor but it needs hot sauce to be complete.
The way back to the hotel is scary because it's getting dark very fast. I realize that I'm in the middle of a bum-infested city with drug users on most corners asking for change. Strangely, I don't mind. I'm used to it from spending time in Hollywood.
I'm only visiting SF for about 36 hours, so there is a limited amount of site-seeing and people watching.
There is plenty I haven't seen, and my curiosity is growing just knowing that I am a 45 minute plane ride a way.
Thanks to the beautiful urban setting, efficient and affordable transportation, and delicious food. I will absolutely visit San Francisco again.